Aqualeader offers a range of mains fed hot water dispensers. Office staff waiting for the kettle to boil each time a hot drink is needed, potentially costs your company thousands of pounds per annum in unbilled hours, and time. Plumbed in boilers are perfect for busy staff rooms, canteens, break out rooms and kitchen. A constant source of boiling hot, filtered water where and when you need it is invaluable in places such as schools where staff have limited break times.
Several of aqualeader plumbed in boilers feature ‘Energy Saving’ technology such as ‘Sleep Mode’ which is triggered upon the turning off of lights in that immediate area. Additionally, our boilers feature an ‘Eco-Mode’ function which will only fill half the tank and thus only use half the power to heat. This is perfect during periods of time where not all staff are on site.
Please feel free to browse or contact us now for a no obligation quote.