As part of our ongoing commitment to reduce bottled water and plastic waste wherever possible, one key and vital area identified is the domestic sector. In 2017 UK consumers purchased and disposed of 7.7billion plastic water bottles. Globally this figure is a staggering 1,000,000 every minute which equates to around 20,000 every second. We appreciate that there will always be a market and a demand for bottled water. However, with UK water being amongst the safest in the western world, we believe there is huge opportunity to vastly reduce the 7.7 billion single-use plastic water bottles that are consumed in the UK every year. Simply, by fitting a dedicated ‘under-sink’ chiller tap and passing this through a filter, users can fill up a re-usable drinking bottle and take this with them instead of purchasing bottled water.
A dedicated filtered and chilled tap fitted at your home could cost as little as £299.00
Dimensions = (w-410mm x 210mm d x 290mm h)
Carbonated option available also plus other tap designs.