Hydration in Education

Aqualeader is committed to providing coolers for schools and nurseries across the UK. 10 years ago we launched our Hydration in Education campaign, aimed at giving schools access to a wide range of water coolers at a discounted price. Furthermore, a recent addition to the initiative is that Aqualeader will supply free sports kits to all schools who work with us. Our campaign has been a great success as one such case studies below shows.

Helen Longton Howarth – Head teacher at Carden Primary says “The Aqualeader ‘Free Sports kits’ initiative is a most welcome one to our school. Aqualeader supply us with fountains and water coolers for pupils and hot water equipment for staff and in exchange we get a choice of free sports kits for every year of the agreement. The kits look great and are also printed with the school name. We look forward to using the kits in forthcoming events and competitions”.

Andrew Leader Managing Director explains how any school across the UK can qualify. “As part of our ‘Hydration in Education’ initiative we have decided to donate sports kits to all those schools who rent their water drinking equipment from us. From as little as one fountain in the school or 1 hot drinks boiler in the staff room right up to 10 coolers / fountains across a site every school will receive free sports kits. This initiative is not just a ‘thank you’ but also to encourage the participation in sports and highlight the importance of regular exercise as part of a healthier lifestyle’. Furthermore, having worked with schools for over 10 years Aqualeader are only too aware that the current economic climate is one whereby education budgets are tighter than ever. As such the need is for these budgets to stretch further. Hopefully this initiative may go some way to assist this.”

Hydration in schools is very important as it help’s pupil’s concentration and aids performance. We have worked alongside a number of schools over the last few years to ensure the coolers are located in the best possible locations. This may be in the gym, at the entrance to the playground, in the dining hall or even in each classroom. As well a helping essential hydration for the children, the coolers are also useful for younger children and nurseries. In these environments the coolers help as part of EYFS by encouraging independent though and action, as well as teaching valuable life skills.

Alongside all of our coolers shown on our products page we now have a dedicated website for schools which you can visit at hydrationineducation.co.uk